Marco JuarezMoney Doesn’t Make You Better OffHaving worked all over the country with workers from all walks of life, I can attest to the fact that not everyone – a large part of the...
Rebecca BugasIs OVERTIME good or bad? Your plant DNA can determine your overtime sweet spot.#threecircles #businessneeds #employeedesires #overtime #Workforce #schedules
Frank PereiraHow to create a better Workplace for Working ParentsNow more than ever, there needs to be an emphasis on flexibility for working parents. Not only are they a larger share of today’s...
Frank PereiraThe Power of the Right ScheduleWe often say at Coleman Consulting Group that a schedule is not about your day on and day off pattern or your shift length. Schedules are...
Marco JuarezHoliday Work/Life Balance – A Non-Traditional, Traditional ThanksgivingI have really had to learn to bring balance to my life. I admit that not so long ago I was a workaholic. I still am to some extent, but I...
Marco JuarezWhen Is Overtime Good for Business?That may sound like a strange question. Many people are conditioned to believe that overtime is never good for a business. The reality is...
Frank PereiraBack to school thoughts on Work/Life balanceNow that the summer is nearly over, many parents are getting ready for school. For many people, this tends to be a high demand period...
Frank PereiraColeman Consulting teams up with Brigham Health Sleep Matters InitiativeColeman Consulting Group announces an Educational Partnership with Brigham Health to further enlighten workers on the value of sleep and...
Marco JuarezGiving Employees Rest and Lunch Breaks is Costing MillionsBefore you jump to conclusions, the title of this blog post isn’t implying that employees shouldn’t be given rest and lunch breaks. Yes,...